| 1. | He has been the member of the united nations secretary - generals advisory board on water and sanitation since 2006 他同时兼任清华大学客座教授河海大学兼职教授。 |
| 2. | United nations secretary - general kofi annan said the agreement reached at the summit is an important beginning 联合国秘书长科菲?安南表示在峰会上达成的这个协议是一个很重要的开端。 |
| 3. | United nations secretary - general kofi annan has criticized israel for using cluster bombs in lebanon during the war with hezbollah 联合国秘书长安南批评以色列在黎巴嫩与真主党战斗期间使用集束炸弹。 |
| 4. | The united nations secretary - general ' s special adviser for burma says he expects to return to the country " sooner rather than later . 联合国秘书长的缅甸事务特使易卜拉欣.甘巴里说,他预计不久就会重新访问缅甸。 |
| 5. | United nations secretary - general kofi annan is calling on the united states to hold direct talks with iran over its nuclear program 安南呼吁美国与伊朗直接谈判联合国秘书长安南呼吁美国与伊朗就其核计划直接谈判。 |
| 6. | United nations secretary - general kofi annan says consensus between the big five powers on the future of iraq is " essential and achievable . 联合国秘书长安南称,五个常任理事国外长就伊拉克的未来而进行的会晤“实质上是可以达到的。 ” |
| 7. | In a farewell speech on u . s . soil today , retiring united nations secretary - general kofi annan delivered a tough critique of president bush ' s policies 即将卸任的联合国秘书长安南11日发表告别演说,对美国总统布什的政策提出了尖锐的批评。 |
| 8. | United nations secretary - general kofi annan says the north korean nuclear standoff cannot be allowed to continue , and that china ' s role is crucial in international attempts to resolve the dispute 联合国秘书长安南说,不能允许北韩核僵局继续下去,在国际社会解决这一争议的努力中,中国的作用至关重要。 |
| 9. | This 25 - member council - - comprising women , kurdish , sunni , christian and turkmen representatives , and shi ia - - is a first and important move toward iraqi self - government . united nations secretary - general kofi annan praised the council in a july report to the un security council 这个由二十五人组成的委员会,成员包括妇女,并有库尔德族、桑尼派、什叶派、基督教和土库曼人的代表,委员会的成立是实现伊拉克自治的重要第一步。 |